
Posts Tagged ‘empire state’

December 29, 2009 Leave a comment

New York is one of probably only 2 or 3 cities I’d ever leave Phoenix for.  Every second I’ve spent in NYC has been a discovery, including many personal discoveries.  From the bare brick fascades to the places where millions of people before you have been (I saw the freaking pew where George Washington went to pray immediately after being sworn in, for God sakes), my trips have made it pretty clear that the worst thing we lack in Phoenix is our collective history.  Maybe that’s why I love living downtown.  All the old houses, all the re-purposed buildings that still keep the neighborhoods vibrant.  Coffee at the Gold Spot, cocktails at Hanny’s.  Walking down my block and it’s clear that this road was meant for the old colonial-style houses that used to make Portland Park a place to be.  I despise urban sprawl’s effect to push us farther from each other and people who buy into the concept of wanting to live their entire lives in suburbs.  If that’s what you really want, move to a small town.

I live in the city because I want to LIVE the city, not just sleep, eat and work here.

P.S.  I also love sweet potatoes, Alicia.