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3/50 Project: I Love Bricks

I first learned about the 3/50 Project by reading fellow ##30DayBC-participant and Scrabble Grand-Champion Taylor’s blog, TotallyTay.

(Yes, I actually click on those links people put on the sidebars, especially if it looks like a well-designed link.)

The point of the 3/50 Project is to support “the brick & mortars our nation is built on”; meaning using our dollars to support local businesses we love RIGHT NOW, instead of lamenting their disappearance later on.

I love this concept for two reasons:
1.)  I love brick buildings anyways.
2.)  Local/Indie businesses may cost a little more, but the service you get is 100x better than at a chain, and the money stays here.

So I don’t mind paying a little extra (if that’s even needed) to support a local business because it means that the workers there, who receive my dollars as their wages, will in turn spend the same dollars nearby.  In the end my same dollar bounces around and support dozens of buisnesses.  Now THAT is “stimulating the local economy”.  Plus, local businesses = less empty buildings = less blight = less crime = better neighborhoods.

Consider THAT next time you make a run to Wal-Mart.

So the concept is pretty simple.  Pick out 3 business you would hate to see go under, and spend $50/month at those spots.  Sure, this sounds like a financial commitment that can have an impact on people trying to make ends meet, but the idea is not to spend more, it’s to spend there instead.

So here’s the three I’ve picked for April:

Royal Coffee / Urban Grocery (because of their symbiotic relationship, I’m counting them as one)

Postino’s Central

Lola Coffee

This week I’ve gone to Urban Grocery for lunch twice and Royal Coffee three times.  I went to Lola this morning. I went to Postino’s last Sunday and will be returning on Monday night.

I’m pretty sure that next month I’ll include places like All About Books & Comics, Cheese-n-Stuff, and hopefully I’ll find a good, local bookstore, so I don’t have to always go to Borders/B&N.

Think about the three places you’d hate to see go.  Show them some appreciation today.

(This is Day 18 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge, be sure to check out the other participants at #30DayBC)

  1. April 14, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    hooray! someone reads my blog and clicks the links. that is very good to know. I’m so glad that I’m spreading the 3/50 love.

  2. April 19, 2010 at 12:24 am

    Great idea you guys! Ryan – there’s a great bookstore on 7th Street next to Urban Beans. It’s called Bards Books – I’ve purchased a couple of new books and they’re competitively priced!

  1. April 13, 2010 at 7:51 am
  2. April 18, 2010 at 11:58 pm
  3. June 7, 2010 at 10:14 am

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